Get a code name for yourselves!

We need code names !! Look for the month and day of your born-day and see what your 'code name' is !! (eg: January 1 = rough dolphin) then put your code name as your status message. WARNING: this may get hilarious .

January - Rough
February - Fake
March - Squishy
April - Red
May - Lumpy
June - Freaky
July - Spiky
August - Slippery
September - blue
October - Fluffy
November - Wrinkly
December - Tasty

1 - dolphin
2 - tooth
3 - pineapple
4 - baby
5 - pimple
6 - flower
7 - lips
8 - leopard
9 - bum
10 - fish
11 - chicken
12 - eagle
13 - balloon
14 - strawberry
15 - tree
16 - eyes
17 - coco-pops
18 - toe
19 - cheeks
20 - paw-paw
21 - tummy
22 - chocolate
23 - nose
24 - grape
25 - pear
26 - duck
27 - foot
28 - belly-button
29 - cow
30 - thumb
31 - blob